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Thursday, March 21, 2013

20 Week Ultrasound

I had to reschedule my ultrasound appointment from last week to this week because Septtro had a meeting he couldn't get out of last week.  So we went today.  And...

It's a....

BABY!!!  ;)

We made it through without finding out the gender, although it was a bit difficult to look away knowing what the tech was looking at!

The ultrasound went really well.  Everything looked great!!  The heart rate was 152 - about the same as last time.  We told the tech ahead of time that we didn't want to know the gender.  She told us she found out with one of hers and didn't with the other and liked not knowing better. 
sweet little foot
She told us when to look away and I felt like it was FOREVER!  She had to measure legs and lower spine and all so it took several minutes.  The girls came with us and they were able to look.  We asked Ri what she saw.  She said "teeth" when the tech was looking at the spine and "eyes" when she looked at the bladder.  :) 

A nice surprise is when she turned on the 3D/4D for us.  I was gonna ask anyway since it's just a flip of a switch but she did it before I could ask.  It's SO amazing to see God's creation being fearfully and wonderfully made!


We are very close to being sure on a name for a boy and a girl - much improvement since Kaylee wasn't named until about an hour before we left the hospital.  :)  We are keeping the name private between just the two of us. 

I'm feeling the baby move more and more - and LOVE it.  I actually felt the baby move from the outside for the first time just this past week! There's nothing like feeling life inside of you!!  The tech confirmed baby was head down.  I have been feeling stronger movements at the top of my belly so I figured baby was head down.  Of course, he/she could move several times between now and when I go into labor. 

We can't wait to meet you little baby!!  Boy or girl - you are cherished and loved already!!


Regina said...

With #5 , we didn't find out. We already had 2 of each so whatever ww had, it would be a little tie breaker. It was so much fun and everyone had a blast guessing, even the kids.

Joy@WDDCH said...

CUTIE!!! So excited! I know several people not finding out the gender and it's so much fun.