This is how Ri rode home from TN most of the trip yesterday. She got sick at the house (at about 10:45am) before we left and by 2:00 that afternoon, had gotten sick a total of 4 times...each time was less and less, of course. She wouldn't suck her thumb or drink anything or even crack a smile as hard as I tried to make her laugh. But she did, very wearily, blow me a kiss. :) I held her hand, rubbed her head, and made sure the plastic bag was ready as soon as I heard a cough.
By the time we were about 20 minutes from home, Ri was drinking her sippy, chattering away, and smiling again. I have NO idea what caused her to get sick but I am incredibly thankful to God that since we got home yesterday, she has been perfectly fine! Praise God for His goodness!
Oh, isn't it the most pitiful thing? Iva's been throw-up sick once before and she was only sick twice, but both times, she had this PITIFUL look on her face like, "Mommy, what is happening?" Ugh! I hated that!!
We love Ri! =)
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