I've even gotten creative and worn sunglasses while chopping in hopes that it would shield my precious eyes. The only thing that did was make it harder to see. And I think I might have scared Suka a little.
I'm thinking this is a good excuse for me to ask Septtro to be the official onion chopper of the house. :)
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chew bubble gum... it works as long as you keep chewing the whole time! I have the same problem!
Oh my goodness, the same thing happens to me. And no glasses don't help. ;) I just try to avoid recipies with onions which proves to be quite difficult.
I wish I could see you chopping an onion with glasses on, haha :) I have the same problem also, and sometimes the smell bothers me so much that I have to run out of the room and breathe fresh air before I gag
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