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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four Years and All Grown Up

Yesterday my oldest baby turned four.  FOUR!  We went to Chick fil a with her cousins for lunch and to Costco for dinner - she insisted she wanted hotdogs - and then Chuck E Cheese for dinner.  

Baby Ri and big girl Ri
I usually don't have much time to sit and reflect during birthdays.  But I did yesterday.  And as I remembered where the Lord has brought me from four plus years to today, my eyes began to well up with tears.  He has been so good to me, to us - who would have thought after being diagnosed with PCOS and hearing the word "infertility" and then suffering the loss of our first baby, that we would now have a happy, healthy, and thriving four year old....with TWO sisters.  :)

Yesterday, Rilynn said two things that just seemed so stinkin grown up.  She's becoming such a little girl...and I love it!

While doing her hair in the morning, she said to me "Mom, I want a braid in my hair.  Daddy likes it like that".  Oh, how I hope and pray that her Daddy always has her heart that way.  :)

Later, while at dinner, she sorta broke her poor Daddy's heart without knowing it.  She told him, as he picked up her younger sister, "Daddy I'm a big girl now.  I don't need your help".  

And then, she cut up her hotdog all by herself.  

She is growing up!  But I reminded Septtro that she would always need her Daddy...and she will.  

Happy Birthday to our sweet Ri Ri!!!!

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