I've always been a nail biter...a bad one - we're talkin fingers tips that look like space men with their pinkish-redish space hats on.
Both my friends and family have tried to help me quit. I've tried that nasty tasting stuff you paint on your nails. I've been bribed with presents and money. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop. It wasn't so much I didn't have the self-control (although I do lack in that area), it was more that I would do it without even realizing it - when I was nervous, when I was bored, basically whenever my hands weren't busy doing something else, they were in my mouth - gettin their nails chewed off.
I know it's a nasty habit. I tried to stop. But it wasn't until something else - or shall I say, someONE else - diverted my attention that I noticed, hey, I can scratch my arm without giving myself a brush burn.
All this time, all I had to do was have a baby to stop biting my nails. Man, why didn't anybody suggest that earlier??! :)
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