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Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So I figured I would give a few updates on how I'm feeling and what's been goin on. I'll try to use this same format throughout so some might not apply for a while. Here goes:

Week and day: 8 weeks 0 days (to be confirmed at next appointment)

Belly Button in or out: definitely in

Wedding rings on or off: on

Food cravings: sour cream and onion chips (5 oz. bag gone in 2 days), sour cream and cheddar chips (most things salty), fruit, old ones - hot sauce, blue cheese

Food aversions: cookie dough along with most other sweets, mac and cheese (very upset about this one), and I have a hard time taking my Reliv sometimes- which I will not avoid because it's such a huge part of why I'm where I am

Nausea: every so often and at varied times - the chips help me feel better and taking a brisk walk around the warehouse at work :) It seems when I eat very heartily let's say, it helps me not feel as sick. When I feel hungry, that's when I start to feel bad.

Energy level: fairly good, ready for bed around 8:30 or 9:00 every night

Weight gain: I feel like I'm huge because I feel like I eat all the time and eat much more than I used to

Mood: all over the place - happy then annoyed then sad then happy again...

Maternity clothes: not yet but my baggy jeans aren't so baggy anymore

Size of baby: kidney bean

Changes of baby: a lot is going on, heart is beating now and has 4 distinct chambers, fingers and toes forming, eyelids practically cover eyes, nerve cells in brain connecting

Next appointment: March 25th - the 1st ultrasound!!

Other: my heart seems to be beating faster sometimes, almost like when you get nervous and you can feel your heart beating more noticeably and I feel like I burp a lot now


Sara said...

so wonderful!! i love this layout - great great great! can't wait to follow your pregnancy!!

Shawna Steenback said...

Get used to the burping :) Hehe. I also like the layout!

April Emery said...
